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National Center on Law
and Elder Rights

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Recent and Upcoming Trainings


NCLER offers a National Legal Training Curriculum to the legal and aging network. Written materials accompany each training and are available for download below. Please check the recording date for each webinar, as policies may have changed following the webinar recording.

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January 21, 2025: Elder Abuse Representation 101: Case and Client Management
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January 9, 2025: Update on Social Security Overpayment Policies
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December 18, 2024: Life Planning Strategies for Supporting the Needs of Older Adults and Their Families
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November 21, 2024: Helping Older Borrowers Apply for Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) Discharge
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August 22, 2024: Civil Legal Strategies: Using Demand Letters and Bench Memos in Elder Abuse Cases
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April 25, 2024: Financial Exploitation and Family Dynamics
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December 12, 2023: Elder Abuse Basics: Civil Legal Responses
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June 28, 2023: Family Violence and Abuse in Later Life
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Closing the Justice Gap for Older Adults Series:

Last Modified: 08/27/2024